Dayton Daily profiles 4 Dem choices to take on Mike Turner in OH-10
Here are the 4 Democrats wanting to represent Dayton, Springfield in Congress Sydney Dawes Reporter for Dayton Daily News. Published 12 Mar 2024 Candidates Amy Cox, David Esrati, Joseph Kuzniar and Tony Pombo talked to the newspaper about the economy, military spending, reproductive rights and more. Amy Cox School teacher and Camden native Amy Cox is running against Creech in this years election for the statehouse rep seat. (caption incorrect from DDN). Credit: Amy Cox School teacher and...

Esrati signs the No Big Tech Money Pledge
I pledge not to take contributions over $200 from Big Tech executives, lobbyists, and PACs and instead prioritize small businesses, families, and our democracy over the monopolies of Apple, Alphabet, Amazon, Facebook/Meta, and Microsoft.Taking the pledge means a political candidate’s campaign must not accept any contributions over $200 from the corporate Political Action Committees (PACs), named executives, or lobbyists of Apple, Alphabet (parent company of Google), Amazon, Meta (formerly...

Dems don’t know how to market themselves says ad man running for congress.
Dayton OH: For Immediate Release: 26 Feb 2024 That 95% of Congress gets re-elected are tough odds to beat, but David Esrati, who is challenging House Intelligence Committee head Mike Turner in OH-10 thinks his activism plus his advertising skills, plus his Army training in unconventional warfare, will show democrats nationwide how to win against the odds. Since being arrested illegally by Mike Turner back in 1996, he’s been labeled everything from a “ninja” to a “perennial candidate” as...

Turner’s Grandstanding puts nation at risk
For Immediate Release 14 Feb 2024 Today, Congressman Michael Turner, R Ohio-10th district, decided that he alone should speak for the entire intelligence community about an issue of National Security and his actions may have put an intelligence asset at risk of exposure. A meeting was already scheduled with the "Gang of 8" for tomorrow, in a SCIF, to discuss this material according to Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser. As Turner's potential opponent in November, and a veteran, I...

Miniature Literature
In advertising, the old saying goes, if you can't put the idea down on a cocktail napkin, it's not a big idea. Introducing "miniature literature" - all you need to know about the Esrati campaign for Congress on a business card. Not only is it cost effective- it's easy to have with you to share- with EVERYONE. Elect Esrati Miniature Literature side 1. Business card sized. The reality is, Mike Turner has been in office for way too long, and the only folks he's been working for is the...

Let’s put HAMAS TO WORK FOR ELON MUSK. No- this isn’t a crazy idea.
How an ad guy solves a problem for Congress. We now know Hamas took the hundreds of millions that was supposed to be for the people of Gaza- and instead dug tunnels for a non-existent “subway system.” We have a company in the United States owned by Elon Musk, himself an immigrant, which specializes in building tunnels- “The Boring Company” He wants to build “Hyperloops” – high speed tunnel-based transportation in America- I know New York just wants subways to JFK and LaGuardia- and California...

Esrati Files for OH-10
This is a repost of https://esrati.com/esrati-files-for-congress-in-oh-10/19953 Democrat, David Esrati, 61, filed 130 signatures today with the Montgomery County Board of Elections for Congress to challenge Mike Turner R, for the Ohio tenth district. Only 50 are necessary for ballot access. Esrati has had multiple challenges to his petitions from the hyper-partisan BOE over the years. The fact that the Montgomery County Democratic Party defacto endorsed Mike Turner despite Esrati winning a 4...

Esrati Signs Patients over profits pledge
"CEOs and lobbyists for Big Pharma, corporate insurers, and private hospitals have formed a front group called Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future that wants to exploit our healthcare system to make money off of keeping us sick. I pledge to put patients over profits and not take contributions over $200 from the executives, lobbyists, and PACs affiliated with the corporate health care industry, including private insurers, pharma corporations, and private hospitals who are organizing to...
Elections not Auctions website and video
A group of Democratic candidates worked together to launch a website calling for Elections Not Auctions- and asking voters to “Funk the System”
Esrati interviewed on The X Millennial Man Podcast
I sat down in a really good Vietnamese sandwich shop in Westchester with Ryan Kulick, producer of the Millennial Man Podcast and High Heels and Politics podcasts to talk about my race. Take a listen: https://www.seedsing.com/the-x-mil-man-podcast/2022/10/15/interview-with-david-esrati-democratic-party-candidate-in-ohios-10th-congressional-district The restaurant is Paris Banh Mi, right off the Tylersville Rd Exit. I'm addicted to the number two sandwich, grilled pork on a baguette with some...