Esrati signs the No Big Tech Money Pledge

Esrati signs the No Big Tech Money Pledge

I pledge not to take contributions over $200 from Big Tech executives, lobbyists, and PACs and instead prioritize small businesses, families, and our democracy over the monopolies of Apple, Alphabet, Amazon, Facebook/Meta, and Microsoft.Taking the pledge means a...
Turner’s Grandstanding puts nation at risk

Turner’s Grandstanding puts nation at risk

For Immediate Release 14 Feb 2024 Today, Congressman Michael Turner, R Ohio-10th district, decided that he alone should speak for the entire intelligence community about an issue of National Security and his actions may have put an intelligence asset at risk of...
Miniature Literature

Miniature Literature

In advertising, the old saying goes, if you can’t put the idea down on a cocktail napkin, it’s not a big idea. Introducing “miniature literature” – all you need to know about the Esrati campaign for Congress on a business card. Not only...