by David Esrati | Oct 28, 2022 | Ohio 10 - 2022
“CEOs and lobbyists for Big Pharma, corporate insurers, and private hospitals have formed a front group called Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future that wants to exploit our healthcare system to make money off of keeping us sick. I pledge to put patients...
by David Esrati | Oct 24, 2022 | Ohio 10 - 2022
If you want to stop billionaires from buying your politicians, funk the system by voting straight D in Ohio this year. It’s not that the Montgomery County Democratic Party is corrupt, it’s that it’s inept. No money, no resources, no organization to...
by David Esrati | Oct 15, 2022 | Ohio 10 - 2022
I sat down in a really good Vietnamese sandwich shop in Westchester with Ryan Kulick, producer of the Millennial Man Podcast and High Heels and Politics podcasts to talk about my race. Take a listen:...
by David Esrati | Oct 14, 2022 | Ohio 10 - 2022
One of the better articles about a race that I’ve been a part of. Front page today, below the fold. My comments: “Turner’s voting record hardly qualifies him as a “moderate republican.” He has a 92.9% Trump Score. As to the Party not endorsing me- that’s because...
by David Esrati | Sep 5, 2022 | Ohio 10 - 2022
The Ohio Democratic Party finally responded to an email I sent. It wasn’t on letterhead. It’s undated (attached in an Email to me from John Tannous, “Party Affairs Director, ODP” dated 8/30/22, 6:36 PM) They claim they aren’t a public entity that has...
by David Esrati | Jul 27, 2022 | Ohio 10 - 2022
Update: 17 Oct 2022. Turner added an additional 8 Billionaires to his donor list bringing the total to 27. I still, do not even know a billionaire. We haven’t been able to analyze the WinRed individual donors yet- there may be more. Last cycle, he received 89%...
by David Esrati | Jun 28, 2022 | Newsletters
Every day I get emails screeching that if I don’t donate X, the ________ will _______ I get them from lots of famous people, President Obama, President Biden and a whole bunch of others. And, it makes me cringe. Today, all the emails are about Roe V Wade. This email...
by David Esrati | Jun 28, 2022 | Newsletters
“it’s the economy stupid” was the line Bill Clinton used to take George H Bush out at the kneecaps. Today, we’re hearing its inflation. You know what’s too expensive? It’s not gasoline. It’s not groceries. It’s not housing or insulin. It’s letting the rich buy our...