Esrati Files for OH-10

Esrati Files for OH-10

This is a repost of Democrat, David Esrati, 61, filed 130 signatures today with the Montgomery County Board of Elections for Congress to challenge Mike Turner R, for the Ohio tenth district. Only 50 are...
Why am I on this list?

Why am I on this list?

“it’s the economy stupid” was the line Bill Clinton used to take George H Bush out at the kneecaps. Today, we’re hearing its inflation. You know what’s too expensive? It’s not gasoline. It’s not groceries. It’s not housing or insulin. It’s letting the rich buy our...

Feed information starved voters

I’m a democratic candidate for Congress. The election is Tuesday May 3. The first story about the candidates and their positions came out in the paper on the Tuesday before. 1 week. Early voting has been on for 3 weeks. Voters have been barraged with bad ads...