Miniature Literature

Miniature Literature

In advertising, the old saying goes, if you can’t put the idea down on a cocktail napkin, it’s not a big idea. Introducing “miniature literature” – all you need to know about the Esrati campaign for Congress on a business card. Not only...
Esrati Files for OH-10

Esrati Files for OH-10

This is a repost of Democrat, David Esrati, 61, filed 130 signatures today with the Montgomery County Board of Elections for Congress to challenge Mike Turner R, for the Ohio tenth district. Only 50 are...
Esrati Signs Patients over profits pledge

Esrati Signs Patients over profits pledge

“CEOs and lobbyists for Big Pharma, corporate insurers, and private hospitals have formed a front group called Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future that wants to exploit our healthcare system to make money off of keeping us sick. I pledge to put patients...

Elections not Auctions website and video

If you want to stop billionaires from buying your politicians, funk the system by voting straight D in Ohio this year. It’s not that the Montgomery County Democratic Party is corrupt, it’s that it’s inept. No money, no resources, no organization to...