Since 2005, David Esrati has helped uncover and expose what the FBI called a “CULTURE OF CORRUPTION” in Dayton. His work has received national and international attention, featured in the Washington Post and beyond. Your tax dollars and your trust have been abused to benefit those in power, and it’s time to stop them. Those who have been part of the problem and managed to avoid prison (for now) have the audacity to run for re-election when they should be resigning in disgrace. If they were somehow unaware of what was happening, that means they’re incompetent and unfit for the position. Dayton needs a reset.
That is why David is running. Not as the first step to a long political career, not to enrich himself or hire his friends, and not to inflate his ego—but as a longtime Daytonian seeking to restore honesty, integrity and sanity to the Dayton City Commission.
Even if you disagree with his ideas, or not approve of his tactics, you can trust that he will never lie to you, take your vote for granted, or disrespect the taxpayers of Dayton who’ve paid too much to get too little.
The Five Point Plan
Our Jails Will be Safer
Our jail is dangerous. No one should risk death for a minor crime.
Fair Use of Our Tax Dollars
No more private armies
Realistic Real Estate Tax
Reduce Redundancy
Free RTA
(we already pay for it)
Less than 10% of RTA’s revenue comes from fares. Collecting and accounting for fares costs. Bringing back ads on the buses can make up the difference. Since RTA is funded by sales taxes, they will actually make money on what you save by riding.