Take Action

No one should blindly vote for anybody. that being said, a voter information system doesn’t exist in America. That’s part of the reason elections cost so much. And while the League of Women voters tries to provide a “voters guide” it’s rarely more than a brief bio and a 100 words split between two questions. This is why I formed the non-profit Modern Policy Institute.

Many voters are swayed by the words “endorsed candidate” from any number of groups. What does that mean exactly? Who elected those people to decide for you who the best candidate is for you? And what strings will that “endorsement” come with?

That’s why I’ve been sharing my positions online since 2005- both on my blog, on my youtube channel and by providing very wordy campaign literature.

So before you decide to help with my campaign- please, take the time to go look at the other candidates sites and compare. I’ve made it easy, by providing links.

Learn about the candidates:

Congressman Mike Turner:

I’ve known Mike since his first run for mayor of Dayton- since I was in that primary field in my first race. People got confused a lot between the two tall white guys with glasses and hair who were running. I was the one who actually had positions.

He’s a 2x divorced, lawyer who barely practiced law. He’s the epitome of “life-long politician” who has lost touch with the people he represents. His website is: www.miketurner.com and no matter what it says- He’s not working for us- unless you are a big defense contractor.

David Esrati

David Esrati. You’re on my campaign site now. I also have the blog esrati.com that is the best read political blog in Dayton. Veteran, Businessman, Community Activist.

Volunteer to help David Esrati

You can call voters, you can walk neighborhoods, create a “Reach” account- where you can mobilize your friends and canvas for the campaign with your cell. Sign up here: https://app.reach.vote/campaigns/elect-esrati-for-oh-10

You can request a sign by filling out the form below. Or, you can Donate, if you want the best politician money can’t buy.

South Dayton Democratic Club Candidate Forum

Dem candidates with primary opponents will speak and answer questions.

The South Dayton Democratic Club is hosting a democratic candidate forum on Wednesday, February 21st 2024 at the Wright Memorial Library, 1776 Far Hills Ave, Oakwood, 313 S. Jefferson St Dayton Ohio, the Dem Party HQ building/union hall, starting at 7:00pm. It will end at approximately 8:30.

Some candidates have not agreed to participate. See my post on Esrati.com for details.
Each candidate will have 2 minutes to introduce themselves followed by questions presented by a moderator. The questions will have been gathered from the membership. If time permits each candidate will have a minute to wrap up at the end.

This will only be for Dem candidates with a primary in Montgomery County.
I will film and post to my Youtube channel.

February 21st, 2024 from  7:00 PM to  8:30 PM
313 S. Jefferson Street
Dayton, OH 45402
United States